Thursday 22 November 2012

On the roads in Taipei

When you arrive in Taipei you will notice how people drive here. Basically here in Taiwan people don't really pay much attention to road safety so this makes it dangerous to attempt to drive on the roads. I have been in a number of situation where the driver has nearly crashed. I know friends who ride scooters here who have broken their arms, legs and have came off it a few times. They'll say "It's not IF you crash, it's WHEN". This is the reason after two years living here I still choose to take the buses and MRT. If you're a risk taker, and not scared to dance with the devil, then sure you can try to learn to ride a scooter here to get around, just personally I've seen some nasty accidents here which has stopped me from attempting to drive here. I will give you the top five vehicles to avoid started with the worse.

Number One

 Firstly Taxis, these vehicles you have to watch like a hawk. Make sure you give them a wide berth as they all drive erratic and unpredictable.


                                                                                            Number Two 
 Secondly Buses- The drivers of the buses here will not care If he pulls across two shoulders with his 5 ton bus and completely takes out your scooter and you in the process. Avoid over taking buses while they are entering and exiting a station.

                                                                                               Number Three

Thirdly other cars, just like the drivers of taxis here, people have no clue on how to drive. They will pull U-turns in the middle of the road, pull out of parking spots without indicating and without any care of the oncoming traffic, pull into a lane without looking and many others.

 Number Four  

Fourthly other scooters, these people really get me the most steamed while on the road. They will insist on joining traffic without looking for oncoming traffic, we have had some close calls from people like this. Also they will try their hardest to get right at the front of the lights, weaving through traffic like a snake.

Number Five

 Fifthly are people on bikes. Yeah I understand It's healthy and better for the environment, but not when inpatient drivers overtake them and crossover to the oncoming traffic forcing you to maneuver to avoid a head on collision. Also a lot of them petal slow and not close to the curb. 

 Also I want to mention, the ones which didn't make my top 5, which are stupid pedestrians who just walk across the road without looking at the oncoming traffic.  Lastly old ladies who push piled high trolleys of cardboard. You can see these people everywhere in Taipei, they push their trolleys down the middle of the road completely oblivious to the traffic. What I've seen which amazes me are the drivers in their cars won't even honk their horns, they'll just follow patiently until the road widens then gun it. I hope this little insights helps you on your decision to drive here. If you have any stories related to anything I've mentioned I would love to hear.  


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