Thursday 22 November 2012

Manners of Taiwanese

Now when it comes to manners in Taiwan you will quickly observe that they differ from those you grew up with back home. I'm just going to quickly go through the ones I've observed, or the lack of them since I've lived here. Firstly burping- Now when I was a kid, when I burped I had to say 'pardon me' or 'sorry' If I was around anyone. Even to this day I cover my mouth If I were going to let one go, however In Taiwan I've noticed people burp whenever they like, and in front of complete strangers. I will recall my first experience of this, I was return home from a class on the bus. I noticed a seat free next to a very smartly dressed business woman. So I smiled and sat next to her. I was minding my own business when all of sudden she let rip some throat rumbling burps, the kind you hear from construction workers or football supporters. Anyway I was shocked and she didn't even batter an eyelid or say sorry, nor did anyone sitting next to me or behind. I was left feeling shocked and in amazement she could do that. From that moment I noticed everyone doing it from kids all the way up to seniors.  Secondly Pushing and shoving- Now this I have noticed more from the older people here In Taiwan. They will not say excuse me in Chinese or Taiwanese, if they need to get past you they will just push you out the way. This is one of my pet hates here, my reaction is to push them back unless I would end up breaking there hip where I would just bite my lip. I believe this tolerance with the elderly here comes from the teaching or Taoism where you are told to 'respect your elders' no matter what. A lot of the old people abuse this belief in people and I feel its time that they earn respect then having the right to it. So as soon as you arrive get ready for them, as you will have them pushing you in the back on the MRT, pushing in front of you while your waiting in line and even walking on the street, to them you are invisible. So be warned. Now these two are the ones I witness the most, I could write more later, but for now I'll leave it at two . If you have had any experiences of the two in Taipei I would love to hear.

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