Monday 9 March 2015

Online job applications

So within a month I will be travelling back to England, that I'm sure has changed in the last four and a half years. I've been starting looking for work online. I forgot how tedious and time consuming it is just to fill in one, whatever happened to sending a CV and a covering letter? Now it's all done by computers, no need for human interaction, let a machine make the decisions so people are free from guilt. That's all I feel like I'm doing is sending a job application to a computer to decide my future plans in the UK. This is all before the online tests and the interviews where they asks questions based on a point system where if you score wrong they'll disregard you without a second thought.

Sunday 1 March 2015

Things are getting real.

It's official I've booked my flight back to the UK. I'm full of a mix of emotions now . I'm sad that'll have to be away from my wife, and filled with trepidation about the road ahead. But I have keep headstrong and try my best, because you'll never know unless you try in life. Life itself is full of hurdles and obstacles to test you. We have to deal with these as best we can with what we've got. So my advice for people in similar situations is, give it a shot if you're able to. You'll always regret in the future if you never tried. So for the next five weeks I have left in Taipei, I'm going to plan what I'm going to do once arrived, and also spend as much time I can with my beautiful wife who I love and miss dearly.

Wednesday 25 February 2015

It's time to go back.

Sorry to people who have been checking out my blog, I've been busy the last three years or so since my last blog. I've recently re-activated this account to inform everyone of my plans to try and find a job in the UK. Now I know you are asking yourself why, but to cut a long story short I've had enough of the crappy jobs that are on offer in Taipei.

visit Migrants Rights to try and stop the Evil Theresa May from preventing UK Expats from bringing their non EU wife back to the UK where EEA citizens are not restricted to the same ridiculous law. let's hope and pray that the Conservatives and their alter ego group UKIP don't win the election as there'll be no hope for anyone.